UniverCity - Change log

UniverCity is a university management game being programmed in the Rust programming language. This month was spent preparing my steam store page for a release at a later date. I’m currently still aiming to release in late May. Its pretty scary with the date getting closer though, even with my checklist getting smaller I still don’t feel ready. Gameplay Missions Aka a basic tutorial. The mission system has finished being implemented.

UniverCity - Change log

UniverCity is a university management game being programmed in the Rust programming language. This month was spent preparing my steam store page for a release at a later date. I’ve been aiming to release UniverCity some time next month into early access in order to get some feedback and testing however I’m not currently happy about the game’s state so I’ll most likely be delaying it a little while longer.

UniverCity - Change log

UniverCity is a university management game being programmed in the Rust programming language. This month was spent mostly on the business side of things, including going through the steam partner process. Internal Steamworks(-rs) As I’m working on putting them game on Steam I wanted to integrate with steamworks. There didn’t appear to be any work on this already so i’ve begun some work here. I’ve only been wrapping parts that may be useful for me currently due to a lack of time but I’m more than happy to accept PRs for missing parts.

UniverCity - Change log

UniverCity is a university management game being programmed in the Rust programming language. Lots of internal work this week plus work on implementing grading for students. Gameplay Grades Students (finally) have grades given to them when completing lessons. The system is still in the works but currently grades are affected by the stats of the teacher of the lesson and not the student (to be fixed later). The teachers skill plays the largest role in grades followed by their control stat.

UniverCity - Change log

UniverCity - Change log
Things were a bit slow this month due to christmas but there were still a large number changes made this month internally. Gameplay Windows are models instead of flat textures Previously windows were a flat texture cut out of the wall texture. This made adding new wall types harder and limited windows to only one type. Windows are now implemented using multi-textured static models, special textures get replaced with the correct wall texture at runtime based on placement.